Our Grants
Providing the people of Neilston with a unique and exciting opportunity
Who can apply?
Funding will mainly be made to constituted community organisations (i.e. ones which have a constitution, a Chair and Treasurer) and social enterprises. However, at the discretion of the Legacy Board there will be provision for awards to unconstituted local action or interest groups which can evidence strong local support.
When and how do we apply?
Funding applications will now be accepted by the trustees at any time of year and will be dealt with as and when they are received.
Application forms and guidance notes are available from The Old Bank, 84 Main Street, Neilston or from links below.
Application Form
Application Form (for printing)
Completed forms can be emailed to info@neilstonlegacy.org, or posted to The Secretary, Neilston Windfarm Legacy SCIO, The Old Bank, 84 Main Street, Neilston, G78 3EA or can be handed to our registered office at the address above.
How much can we apply for?
The total amount available for distribution to the community in Year 1 was up to £100,000. In future years the amounts will vary but will probably be less. You can apply for grants appropriate to the size of your project, but you must show on the application form details of costings and how these have been reached.
Your application will be acknowledged within one week of receipt. An appraisal will be carried out by a panel of the Board within one month of receipt. Decisions will be made monthly for small grant applications. Larger projects will require one to three months before a final decision can be made.
What types of projects can be given funding?
You can apply for funding for projects and initiatives that fit with one or more of NWL’s agreed Charitable Objectives.
Our Charitable Objectives are as follows:
- Caring for Neilston’s buildings, heritage and general environment.
- Supporting Neilston’s people and enhancing their lives, including special support for those with limited mobility, sensory impairment and other disabilities.
- Promoting measures to enhance security, public safety, and the prevention of crime.
- Enhancing educational, cultural, artistic and leisure opportunities available for the community.
- Developing employment opportunities by promoting skills training and by supporting trade and industry to create sustainable development and regeneration.
A full list of our Charitable Objectives is registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).